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Dental Implants – Garland, TX

A Lifelong Solution for Tooth Loss

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, dental implants are simply in a class of their own. They are the only treatment that restores an entire tooth from root to crown, helping patients enjoy unmatched aesthetics, strength, function, and longevity all at the same time. If you’re ready to finally put your tooth loss behind you forever, implants are by far the best way to do it, and you can get them right here in Garland at Dentistry By Brand. To learn more about implants and what they could mean for the future of your smile, contact us today.

Why Choose Dentistry by Brand for Dental Implants?

What Are Dental Implants?

Unlike traditional dentures and bridges that just sit atop the gums, dental implants take it a step further by recreating the entire structure of one or more missing teeth. The implant itself is a titanium post that we surgically insert into your jaw, replicating the root of your tooth. After placement, the post actually becomes one with your jawbone in a process called osseointegration. Then, a metal attachment called an abutment is placed, allowing us to secure your replacement tooth or teeth into place and complete your smile.

As the only tooth loss solution that rebuilds the entire tooth, dental implants are considered the gold standard of tooth replacement. They are able to feel, function, and look just as natural as your original pearly whites. The bond they form with your jawbone also allows them to last for several decades. For these reasons and many more, our dentists tend to recommend dental implants for all qualified patients.

The 4 Step Dental Implant Process

Man at dentist for dental implants in Garland

Unlike dentures and dental bridges, getting dental implants requires a multi-step process that will take several months. This might seem like a while, but after considering the long-term benefits, you will see that they are well worth the wait. At Dentistry by Brand, we complete the entire dental implant treatment in our office instead of referring you elsewhere. While every patient’s treatment is unique, here are 4 main steps that you can expect during your process of restoring your smile with dental implants.

Initial Dental Implant Consultation

Patient at dental implant consultation in Garland

The first step when it comes to restoring the appearance and function of your smile is to schedule a consultation with us. During this visit, we will examine your smile and surrounding facial structures. This will help us to determine whether or not you make a good candidate for the procedure and where and how the implants should be placed. Some patients need to undergo preliminary procedures before getting dental implants, like bone grafting, gum disease therapy, and tooth extractions. Once these treatments are complete, we can move on to planning the rest of your dental implant treatment. We’re happy to walk you thorough the process so you know exactly what you can expect, including the timeline and cost.

Dental Implant Surgery

Dentist performing surgery for dental implants in Garland

The implant placement surgery is a relatively simple one. After numbing your mouth with a local anesthetic, your dentist will make small incisions in your gum tissue to access your jawbone. The implants are then inserted at precise locations and angles. Lastly, your gums will be closed, and protective caps will be placed over the implant posts to keep them safe during the healing process.

Dental Implant Osseointegration & Abutment Placement

Digital illustration of dental implant in Garland

Over the next three to six months, the “osseointegration” process takes placed. This is when the implants fuse with the bone and tissue to create the sturdy foundation that your replacement teeth will need to stay in place. Once this process has completed, we can place a metal abutment on top of the implants. This fixture is what allows us to connect your restoration to your implant, leaving you with your finished results.

Delivery of Dental Implant Restorations

Woman smiling with dental implants in Garland

A few weeks after your abutment is placed, your restorations should be ready. You will be able to return to our practice where you will receive your crown, bridge, or denture (depending on the number of teeth that you are missing.) During this time, we will also take a look to ensure that your bite is comfortable, and then you will be ready to enjoy your restored smile!

Benefits of Dental Implants

As we touched on above, dental implants bring back the whole tooth both above and below the gumline. No other tooth replacement does this. Therefore, dental implants deliver specific advantages that dental bridges and dentures cannot – boosted confidence, reliable teeth, and an overall higher quality of life, to name a few. Although implants cost more initially than traditional treatments, this investment well worth it in both the short and long terms. Once you’ve read more about the wondrous benefits of dental implants in Garland, you’ll understand why more than half a million people choose this solution every year! 

Day-to-Day Benefits

man brushing his teeth in front of a mirror
  • Because the implants are embedded in your jaw, you can trust that your new teeth will always stay in place and never shift around or fall out unexpectedly, no matter what you’re eating. The same cannot always be said for dentures!
  • Replacing the root structure of your missing teeth will renew almost all of the biting force that you had before tooth loss. You should be able to enjoy all of your favorite crunchy or chewy foods with ease.
  • Dental implants are extremely natural-looking because they are always topped with custom-made porcelain restorations, and they also don’t have any extra attachments needed to keep them stable.
  • In terms of daily care and maintenance, there isn’t much difference between real teeth and dental implants. All you have to do is brush, floss, and rinse with mouthwash every day, just as you would with natural teeth.

Health Benefits

  • Dental implants in Garland are the only tooth replacement that preserves the jawbone after teeth have been lost. They stimulate renewed blood flow to the area to keep it strong, maintaining the foundation for the remaining teeth while also reducing the risk of oral health issues like gum disease.
  • Filling the empty space in your grin with a dental implant prevents the surrounding teeth from drifting out of place.
  • Placing a dental bridge requires the permanent alteration of the teeth on either end of the gap. Over time, these teeth become weaker and more susceptible to breakage, decay, and sensitivity. Dental implants are the more conservative option because they are self-supporting.
  • Because you’ll have a more powerful bite, it’ll be easier than ever to maintain a balanced diet full of all of the nutrients that your body needs.

Long-Term Benefits

dental implant patient looking at his new smile in a mirror
  • Without stimulation from the tooth roots, the jawbone deteriorates over time, resulting in the sunken, wrinkled facial appearance that is common with dentures. Since dental implants strengthen the jawbone, they help you avoid this look and maintain a youthful glow.
  • More than 95% of dental implant cases are successful, even after decades.
  • With just regular oral hygiene and routine appointments with an implant dentist in Garland, dental implants can be trusted to look and function like new for well over 30 years.
  • If you take good care of your implants and make them last, you won’t need to get them replaced every five to ten years like you would with bridges or dentures. As a result, you can actually save money in the long run!

Who Dental Implants Can Help

Red-haired woman sitting on couch with dental implants in Garland, TX

If you’ve lost more than one tooth, you may be unsure whether or not dental implants are truly a good choice for you. We’re happy to say that it doesn’t matter how many teeth are missing; we can fill in the gaps with a carefully chosen number of implant posts and the right kind of restoration. We can determine your candidacy for dental implants and figure out the specifics of your treatment plan during your initial dental implant consultation.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Bearded man smiling with dental implants in Garland, TX

Dental implants are only placed in adults with fully developed jaws, as it can cause problems if the bone continues to change after the implant has been inserted. Furthermore, you’ll need to have three things to be considered a candidate for the surgery:

  • Good enough overall health that your body won’t have any trouble healing after minor surgery.
  • Optimal oral health, meaning any preexisting gum disease and cavities need to be treated beforehand.
  • A strong jawbone that’s capable of forming a bond with the implant posts. (Bone grafts might be needed if you don’t currently meet this requirement.)

Missing One Tooth

Model of a single dental implant in Garland, TX

A dental implant can act as a base for a dental crown. This lets you fill in a single gap in your mouth without having to make alterations to your other teeth, as you would need to for a dental bridge. The crowns that we use to restore dental implants are made out of tooth-colored materials and carefully designed so that they match the size, shape, and shade of your natural teeth. As such, most people won’t be able to tell which tooth got replaced unless you tell them.

Missing Multiple Teeth

Model of dental implants in Garland, TX for a bridge

There are multiple strategies for replacing multiple missing teeth. One common solution is to place a dental bridge on a pair of implants; this is usually a good choice if you’ve lost multiple consecutive teeth and are looking to replace them all at once. If you need to fill in more than one gap in a single arch, you can instead get a partial denture that has been combined with a few dental implants. Both procedures will give you a complete, stable smile, and your new teeth will prevent your natural teeth from drifting.

Missing All Teeth

Dentures being placed on six dental implants in Garland, TX

Dental implants can even be used to replace an entire row of teeth. Four to six implant posts can hold a denture in position, preventing it from coming loose while you’re trying to eat or talk. Implant dentures can be designed to stay anchored to your implant posts at all times, but removable versions are also available. We’ll use the minimum number of dental implants needed to give your new teeth enough strength and stability to eat anything you want.

Learn More About Implant Dentures

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

dentist putting a crown on a dental implant

Because dental implants can be paired with so many different kinds of restorations to help patients dealing with different degrees of tooth loss, the overall cost of the procedure can vary from person to person. However, because implants last so much longer compared to traditional bridges and dentures (30+ years versus five to seven years), they tend to be the better financial choice overall despite their larger upfront price, helping a patient literally save thousands in periodic maintenance.

Types of Dental Implants

close-up of a dental implant abutment in someone’s mouth

An extremely versatile option for replacing missing teeth, you can replace one, multiple, or all of your teeth with dental implants.

  •  Single Tooth Implant – As the least expensive option, a single tooth implant only replaces one missing tooth and consists of a titanium implant (post), abutment, and a custom-made dental crown.
  •  Implant Bridge – Slightly more costly than a single tooth implant is an implant bridge. This requires the use of two posts, abutments, and a customized dental bridge that fuses three crowns and is affixed on top of the implants.
  •  Implant Denture – When all your teeth are missing, you can expect to pay more for an implant denture. Whether you just need one for the top or bottom or both, we will place between four and eight dental implants along your jawline before securing a customized denture into place, creating a more stable, permanent smile.

What Are the Stages of Dental Implant Treatment?

patient at a dental implant consultation
  •  Initial Consultation: During your visit with one of our dentists, you will have your oral cavity thoroughly examined. Once we determine how many dental implants you need as well as their location and type of restoration, you will receive a personalized treatment plan. This visit will incur its own charge, which will be reflected in the estimate you receive for your dental implant placement.
  •  Surgical Placement: Another factor that determines your overall cost is the actual placement of the dental implants. Because this requires anesthesia, the cost of your procedure will vary depending on how many implants will be placed.
  •  Custom Restoration: One aspect that is often covered all or in part by your dental insurance company is the custom restoration. Whether you need a dental crown, implant bridge, or an implant denture, the cost of your restoration will incur an additional charge.

Some of the other factors that can determine how much you will spend on your dental implant placement include sedation, any pre-dental implant procedures (i.e., tooth extraction, periodontal therapy), how many implants you will need, and where the implants will be placed.

Are Dental Implants Worth the Investment?

patient admiring her smile in a mirror

While this question can be answered by the many satisfied individuals who have received dental implants and are now living with a healthier, more permanent smile, it is clear that dental implants are a worthwhile investment. Are they expensive? Yes. Are they more cost-effective than dentures or other traditional restorative methods of treatment? Yes.

When you consider how long your dental implants will last and the very little maintenance that is required to keep them looking and feeling completely natural, it is obvious that the additional money you’ll be upfront is worth it in the long run. After all, you won’t have to worry about soaking your artificial teeth overnight, being as mindful about the foods you eat or having us readjust or reline your implants like we would if you had dentures.

Will Dental Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

dentist holding a model of dental implants

This is dependent upon your dental insurance policy. Most companies do not cover dental implants. With this knowledge, you may be wondering, “Can I afford dental implants?” Fortunately, there are other ways you can pay for your restorative treatment. But first, you may want to take a closer look at the different factors that contribute to the overall cost and find out if there are areas in which your insurance will pay.

You might be surprised to learn that they may be willing to pay for your initial consultation, anesthesia/sedation, the metal abutment(s), and your custom restoration. For any additional costs that you incur and will not be covered by insurance, please talk with a member of our team about additional financing options to lower your out-of-pocket expenses.

Maintaining & Caring for Your Dental Implants

man smiling after getting dental implants in Garland

In recent years, dental implants have become the ideal solution for patients with missing teeth. They’re considered the gold standard of tooth replacement because of their ability to restore a beautiful, healthy, and fully functioning smile. While implants have the potential to stay in place for a lifetime, that’s only the case if you take proper care of them. At Dentistry By Brand, we want your newly rebuilt grin to last as long as possible, which is why we’ve shared a few precautions you can follow to help you accomplish that.

Make Oral Hygiene a Priority

woman brushing teeth in bathroom mirror

Although dental implants can’t get cavities, you still need to stay on top of your oral hygiene routine. Brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and rinsing every day with an ADA-approved mouthwash are essential practices that’ll help protect your smile from harmful bacteria. They’ll lower your risk of potential bone and tooth loss while ensuring your grin remains in tip-top shape for life.

Eat a Healthy Diet

couple shopping for healthy foods

Once you’re all healed up, you can eat almost any food you want with dental implants. However, overindulging in sugary, starchy, or acidic foods can be detrimental to your smile. That’s why you should try and stick to a diet full of nutrient-rich foods instead. Eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, dairy products, and whole grains will help keep your jawbone strong and healthy.

Break Bad Habits

man biting fingernails

Do you smoke? Bite your fingernails? Chew on pens or pencils? Use your teeth as tools? While these habits may seem harmless, they can wreak havoc on your smile. It’s best to kick these habits to the curb as soon as you can. If you need help, our team will happily provide you with the resources, support, and guidance you need to make the feat as easy as can be.

Protect Your Dental Implants

man holding mouthguard

If you regularly play sports, ask our team about a custom-made athletic mouthguard. It’ll keep your teeth and gums safe from any impact should you sustain a blow to the face. For patients who grind their teeth at night, a nightguard can help protect the enamel from the force of teeth grinding. Both devices are easy to use and effective against wear and tear.

Schedule Regular Dental Checkups

dental checkup in Garland

The best way to keep your smile in optimal condition is by visiting your dentist every six months for a checkup and cleaning. These routine appointments will allow us to catch and treat problems early on. Our team will perform thorough oral examinations and monitor your prosthetics to ensure no issues are developing. With early intervention, you can avoid needing costly and more invasive procedures down the line.

Dental Implants Post-Op Instructions

man smiling about dental implant post-op instructions in Garland

Dental implants require minor oral surgery to restore your missing teeth from the roots up. Once our team at Dentistry by Brand has completed your procedure, we’ll provide you with a set of guidelines on what you’ll need to do during your recovery process. To help you be prepared ahead of time, we’ve compiled a list of the most common dental implant post-op instructions in Garland below. Read on or reach out to us if you want to learn more today!

What to Do Directly After Dental Implant Surgery

man resting for dental implant post-op instructions in Garland

As with most oral surgeries, you’ll likely feel mildly tired or groggy once your appointment is over. You should have someone there to take you back home, as you won’t be able to drive yourself anywhere. Make sure you plan to get plenty of rest for a few days after your dental implant procedure. You might consider taking over-the-counter or prescribed pain relievers before the local anesthetic wears off, that way you stay as comfortable as possible throughout your recovery process.

Common Side Effects

woman taking medication for dental implant post-op instructions in Garland

Some of the typical side effects of oral surgery include discomfort, swelling, and slight intermittent bleeding. You can easily manage mild bleeding by avoiding touching the area with your fingers or tongue, and applying pressure if necessary. Any swelling and discomfort can be handled with a cold compress and over-the-counter pain medication. However, if you notice any of these sensations persisting for too long or getting worse over time, then you should give us a call right away.


frozen yogurt for dental implant post-op instructions in Garland

To avoid disturbing your surgical site, you’ll want to stick to a soft food diet that’s both nourishing and safe for your dental implants. These meals can include:

  • Scrambled eggs
  • Applesauce
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Ice cream and frozen yogurt
  • Pudding
  • Blended soups
  • Pasta

Not only can these provide the nutrients you need to keep your smile healthy, but some of them can even help alleviate any discomfort around your restorations.

Health & Oral Hygiene

woman brushing teeth for dental implant post-op instructions in Garland

During your healing process, you should make sure to keep your mouth clean to prevent infection and dental implant failure. That’s why it’s important to maintain good oral hygiene after your surgery. Try brushing your teeth gently and carefully, ensuring the surgical site remains undisturbed as well as free of debris and bacteria. You should also regularly rinse with mouthwash or water, but use non-alcoholic products to prevent dry mouth, and don’t spit it out forcefully.

What to Do After Your New Teeth Are Attached

woman smiling about dental implant post-op instructions in Garland

After about a week or two after your dental implant surgery, you should begin to feel back to normal. While the blood clot may have formed successfully around your restoration, your jawbone will still need three to six months to completely heal and bond with the titanium post(s). Once the osseointegration process has been completed, we’ll have you come back to our office so that we can attach your new restorations. We’ll then confirm that your bite is comfortable and that you’re satisfied with your results before you leave your appointment. You might feel mild sensitivity in your gums for several days as they get accustomed to your new pearly whites, but you’ll be able to enjoy your fully restored smile for many years to come!

Dental Implant Failure & Salvage

Dental patient consulting with dentist

Dental implants have a remarkable success rate of more than 95%, so you have every reason to expect your new teeth to thrive for the long haul. However, there is always the slight chance that something will go wrong. If you ever suspect that something is amiss with your implants, give our team a call. We will examine your mouth, assess the problem, and propose a treatment plan. Our goal is to get your oral health back on track as efficiently and conservatively as possible.

Learn More About Dental Implant Failure & Salvage

Dental Implant FAQs

If you’re planning on restoring your complete, confident smile with one or more dental implants, it’s natural to have a few questions. That’s why we’ve gathered some of the most commonly asked questions about this state-of-the-art treatment below. We want you to feel 100% comfortable in any treatment you choose here at Dentistry by Brand, so feel free to call us if you have further inquiries and to schedule your consultation!

Will I Need to See a Specialist to Have My Dental Implants Placed?

A dental implant needs to be surgically inserted into the jawbone, so some dentists may need to refer you to a specialist for this step in your treatment. That’s not the case here at Dentistry by Brand! With advanced training and state-of-the-art dental technology, our highly experienced team of dentists can perform every part of your dental implant treatment right here in our Garland office, from consultation to final restoration. The dental team you already know and trust will be with you every step of the way towards your new smile to ensure everything goes as smoothly as possible. 

How Are Dental Implants Cared For?

While your new dental implant won’t be susceptible to tooth decay like your natural teeth, you still need to keep it clean to maintain a healthy smile for life. A buildup of plaque and bacteria around your dental implant increases your risk of cavities and gum disease, which can eventually damage the supportive tissues that help hold your new tooth in place. Thankfully, caring for your dental implant is just as easy as keeping the rest of your smile clean! Brush for two minutes twice a day, floss between your teeth daily, and rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash regularly to keep your newly rebuilt pearly whites beautiful, functional, and firmly in place!

How Long Does It Take to Get Dental Implants?

Unlike other tooth replacement options, getting dental implants requires a multistep process. First, we’ll need to make sure that your mouth is healthy enough for dental implants by treating issues like tooth decay or gum disease. Then, a small titanium post will be surgically inserted into your jawbone, mimicking the roots of the missing tooth. Before the lifelike restoration can be placed on top of it, the post needs to fuse with the surrounding bone tissue. This process is called osseointegration, and it typically takes several months to complete. Dental implants may take more time to get than options like dentures and dental bridges, but their unmatched comfort, functionality, and longevity are well worth the wait!

Can Dental Implants Fail?

Dental implants boast an astonishingly high success rate of nearly 99%. However, your dental implant’s success will largely depend on how well you care for it. As we covered above, allowing bacteria and plaque to build up around your dental implant can lead to jawbone damage and destruction of important connective tissues, which would weaken your dental implant’s stability in your smile. To minimize your risk of dental implant failure, it’s essential that you practice great oral hygiene, quit chewing on hard objects, and stop using tobacco products.

How Much Are Dental Implants?

The cost of your dental implant treatment will depend on a variety of factors, such as the need for preliminary treatments and the number of dental implants required. Typically, dental implants have a higher initial price tag than dentures or dental bridges. However, these other tooth replacement options will need to be replaced every several years to keep your mouth healthy, which can become quite inconvenient and costly over time. Dental implants are designed to become a permanent addition to your smile, which may make them cost less in the long run. This state-of-the-art treatment is an investment in the long-term wellbeing of your oral health.